Mr. Makoto Uchida CBE

26 June 2024

On behalf of our Director Alice Ambrose-Thurman FCA FCIS FRSA, European Plant Manager Christopher Fitzpatrick CMgr MCMI, our Manager Group and all other colleagues, we send our very best wishes to Makoto Uchida, CEO of Nissan Motor Corporation on his award by King Charles III of an Honorary Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE) for services to UK and Japan relations.

Uchida-san leads a business which has a long and valued association with Faltec Europe Ltd. Nissan continue to lead the way in automotive manufacturing. Their EV plan includes launching 30 new models by the end of 2026 thus helping decarbonise the automotive sector, establishing its EV hub in Sunderland and supporting the UK’s net zero objectives.

Nissan is also active in developing partnerships within education and looking at new ways to develop skills through these activities. Faltec Europe Ltd is proud to be an active participant in this with Nissan, and we look forward to our partnership growing as we continue to work together to achieve the best outcomes for our community and the region.